Critical comparative analysis
Thursday, August 27, 2020
The Wife of Bath is the rapist knight herself Essay Example for Free
The Wife of Bath is simply the attacker knight Essay She despite everything adulates him and discusses the maltreatment perpetrated on her exceptionally unassumingly. As troublesome as it might be to swallow, would it be able to be that she is a case of a lady who simply needs the deception of having control while she is actually the person who is controlled? It isn't to state that ladies dont need power. We just dont need the entirety of the force. Subsequent to taking another of his beatings, she caused her fifth spouse to feel so liable that he surrendered the entirety of his benefits. Hence, there was a discontinuance of intensity which maybe infers to the peruser that her significant other may now be less alluring to her, since she has now crushed and vanquished him. After this experience, we don't hear considerably more of the fifth spouse. Why would that be? Is it since theres nothing left to tell since she controls him? We arent even told how this marriage closes whether he passed on or they isolated. Of tongue and clench hand, to be sure of all hed got. I caused him to consume that book upon the spot. What's more, when Id aced him, and out of gridlock. Made sure about myself the power of wedlock. For a long time, ladies have asked men to be progressively anxious to tune in and humor us in our musings and wants. In any case, we will in general become exhausted with these men. In spite of the fact that the two last relationships dont appear to be fruitful, the peruser can see the progress between spouses from ones that were basic and effectively subdues to the ones that were increasingly troublesome and harder to control. She is thinking that its harder to discover a spouse, since she feels debilitated, by what she considers the normal defect of maturing I wont forestall him! Sick have a spouse yet. So now she needs to advocate for herself, utilizing some other method to exhibit her capacity. She doesnt truly have the things that she portrays as significant, aside from what she has hastily attainted through past relationships. You state that some longing us for our riches, Some for our shapeliness, our looks, our wellbeing, Some for our singing, others for our moving, Some for our tenderness and dalliant looking, And some in light of the fact that our hands are delicate and little; But your record the fiend gets every one of us. Despite the fact that in her story she draws out her point that ladies need strength over a man in marriage, there are defects to her narrating. The ostensible saint in the story is an attacker. The word assault is frequently advanced by the Wife of Bath all through her story. The lord in the Wifes story speaks to power and would have incurred the discipline of death on the knight. The sovereign then again would have favored the knight to likewise be assaulted, tit for tat. Outside the realm of relevance, it tends to be seen that the Wife of Bath is simply the attacker knight. Since the story is her own, her qualities can be seen through the various characters. The Wife of Bath is compatible. She can be the knight who vanquishes the lady and who is additionally blinded by the bogus significance old enough and magnificence. Having made the knight and the topic of assault, she turns into an unending self-attacker. She could be the lady who is overwhelmed by the knights sexuality and quality, an indication of her sexual shortcoming. She could be the sovereign who is set upon this man discovering that lady need/need control. Or on the other hand considerably more in this way, we can consider her to be the witch who vanquishes the man and wins the force in the relationship. There is a delicate incongruity in the Wifes story. Her story is of the antifeminist clichi that all ladies in their souls want to have control yet in addition subliminally need to be assaulted.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
What Is the Endoplasmic Reticulum What Does It Do
What Is the Endoplasmic Reticulum What Does It Do SAT/ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips On the off chance that you’re preparing for the AP Biology test, at that point you’re likely investing a considerable amount of energy contemplating cell structure. However, keeping all the structures straight and seeing each one’s capacity can be confounding! That’s why we’re separating cell structures for you, beginning with the endoplasmic reticulum, or ER. In this article, we’ll encourage you all that you have to think about the endoplasmic reticulum, incorporating how it works in a cell. We’ll even separate the contrasts between the harsh endoplasmic reticulum and the smooth endoplasmic reticulum! Are you game? At that point let’s begin! A Quick Introduction to Cell Structure The endoplasmic reticulum is a basic piece of a cell. In your science class, you likely discovered that cells are the structure squares of all life...including people! Clearly, that makes cells overly significant, which is the reason it’s additionally critical to see how they work. Since plants and creatures are mind boggling animals, the structure of a cell is perplexing, as well. Every cell is comprised of numerous individual parts, every one of which includes a vocation inside the cell itself! Some assistance keep everything in one spot (like the cell film), some produce vitality to control the cell (the mitochondria), and there are even parts that help keep the cell clean (lysosomes)! These various structures found inside cells are called organelles. The endoplasmic reticulum is an organelle that can be found in both eukaryotic (creature) and prokaryotic (plant) cells. Simply remember that not all cells have endoplasmic reticulum! For instance, red platelets don’t have endoplasmic reticuli, despite the fact that they’re a significant piece of creature science! Endoplasmic Reticulum Definition The endoplasmic reticulum is characterized as an organelle that is comprised of a progression of phospholipid films. Truth be told, the layers that make up the endoplasmic reticulum can represent half of a cell’s all out film structure in creature cells! These layers are called cisternae, are molded like cylinders or sacs, and are persistent with the external film of the cell’s core. That’s an extravagant method of saying that the endoplasmic reticulum is joined to the core itself. Endoplasmic Reticulum Function Presently let’s talk somewhat progressively about how an endoplasmic reticulum capacities. As a rule, the endoplasmic reticulum assists with the amalgamation, collapsing, adjustment, and transport of proteins and lipids. The endoplasmic reticulum does this through ribosomes that are appended to its film dividers. (We’ll talk increasingly about how this functions somewhat later). The endoplasmic reticulum additionally stores calcium and discharges it when the cell needs it. Actually, a significant number of the proteins and lipids made by the endoplasmic reticulum are utilized by different organelles in the cell. Perhaps the most ideal approaches to comprehend and recollect!- what the endoplasmic reticulum does is to consider it like a manufacturing plant. In an assembling plant, individuals take crude materials and make it into something new and usable, which they at that point boat to different stores, producers, and providers around the globe. Much the same as a genuine plant, the endoplasmic reticulum constructs the â€Å"products†a cell needs to work, at that point â€Å"ships†them to where they have to go, when they have to go there. CFCF/WikimediaCommons Endoplasmic Reticulum Appearance So what does the endoplasmic reticulum resemble, precisely? All things considered, do you recall the labyrinths that you could discover in shading books when you were a child? The endoplasmic reticulum looks a great deal that way! The cisternae loosen up and away from the cell core in a progression of folds and cylinders, and they reach out all through the cell practically like a parkway framework. So when you’re taking a gander at a cell graph, search for the labyrinth like structure that’s joined to the cell core. That’s the endoplasmic reticulum! You may see that cell graphs regularly picture a few regions of the endoplasmic reticulum with knocks, while different segments look smooth. That’s in light of the fact that endoplasmic reticulum is really involved two pieces: the harsh endoplasmic reticulum and the smooth endoplasmic reticulum. Knowing how these various territories work is essential to understanding the capacity of the endoplasmic reticulum all in all. CFCF/Wikimedia Commons Unpleasant Endoplasmic Reticulum The unpleasant endoplasmic reticulum, or RER, gets its name from the ribosomes inserted in its surface...which make it look harsh! The unpleasant endoplasmic reticulum is arranged nearest to the core actually, it’s connected to the atomic envelope-so particles can move straightforwardly between the films. The ribosomes that are connected to the dividers of the harsh endoplasmic reticulum work simply like free ribosomes would. That implies that they combine proteins, which give the vitality expected to a cell to work. The way toward making proteins is called interpretation. One the ribosomes have combined a protein, they are â€Å"labeled†with a particular last goal. A few proteins are sent to the Golgi device, while others are emitted into the cell outside or kept inside the film of the unpleasant endoplasmic reticulum itself. There are sure proteins that are sent into the space inside the harsh endoplasmic reticulum. This space, which is likewise called the lumen, is the place certain proteins are collapsed, altered, and gathered. A portion of these proteins will have sugar bunches added to them to frame glycoproteins. In like manner, a portion of these new proteins will be moved out of the endoplasmic reticulum, while others will remain inside the endoplasmic reticulum to perform capacities there. The lumen is likewise where the endoplasmic reticulum does its â€Å"quality control.†When misfolded or in any case inaccurate proteins gather in the lumen, the unfurled protein reaction (or UPR) is activated. This advises the cell to lessen the measure of protein its creating while at the same time upgrading the endoplasmic reticulum’s protein-collapsing capacity. In the event that the issue doesn’t right itself, it triggers apoptosis, or customized cell passing. One too cool note: the ribosomes of the harsh endoplasmic reticulum aren’t for all time connected to the layer itself. That implies that new ribosomes can confine and connect contingent upon the proteins the cell needs! CFCF/Wikimedia Commons Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum Not at all like the harsh endoplasmic reticulum, the smooth endoplasmic reticulum doesn’t have any ribosomes appended to it. That makes it look smooth-which is the manner by which it gets its name! The smooth endoplasmic reticulum’s work is solely to make lipids, similar to phospholipids and cholesterol. How these lipids are utilized relies upon the cell type. Lipids can be utilized to make new cell films, make hormones, and store vitality. The smooth endoplasmic reticulum additionally detoxifies the cell by changing over harmful natural synthetic compounds into more secure, water solvent items. Fun actuality: when there are loads of poisons present, the smooth endoplasmic reticulum can twofold its surface region to help get them out. It will at that point come back to typical size after the poisons have been expelled. Liver cells have a lot of smooth endoplasmic reticulum for this very reason! At long last, there’s a sort of particular smooth endoplasmic reticulum called the sarcoplasmic reticulum. The sarcoplasmic reticulum is found in muscle cells and is utilized to store calcium particles that muscles need to work. At the point when muscles experience supported action, the sarcoplasmic reticulum can discharge the put away calcium particles to enable the muscles to work. Extra Resources On the off chance that you’ve read through this guide and still might want to find out about how the endoplasmic reticulum functions, here are a couple of different assets that you can look at. Khan Academy Khan Academy has huge amounts of free assets on a wide range of points including cell structure. Their video on the endoplasmic reticulum is extremely useful, and they have articles about it on their site, as well. The British Society for Cell Biology The British Society for Cell Biology is a British non-benefit association devoted to propelling cell science inquire about, which incorporates sharing information and data. One of the manners in which they do this is through instructive material, which they share on their site. Their softCell e-Learning gateway has huge amounts of good data pretty much all the organelles of a cell, including the endoplasmic reticulum. CrashCourse Who said examining must be exhausting? The CrashCourse channel on YouTube-facilitated by as a matter of fact John and Hank Green of VlogBrothers distinction is tied in with making fun and instructive substance. Hank’s arrangement on creature cells is an incredible asset, and the fourth video in the arrangement (Eukaryopolis!) gives you an outline of the endoplasmic reticulum. What’s Next? Need to look over something beyond the endoplasmic reticulum before handling the AP Biology test? Snatching an exercise manual or course reading may be your most solid option. Here’s a curated rundown of the best AP Biology books to assist you with contemplating harder and more astute. On the off chance that you’re feeling overpowered by the AP Biology test, you’re not the only one. There are bunches of understudies who discover this test precarious! That’s why we’ve set up a total AP Biology survey control. It separates the entirety of the points that may show up on the test, so you can make sense of precisely what you have to consider. (It likewise incorporates some extraordinary examination tips, as well!) The most ideal approach to make sense of if you’re arranged for the AP Biology test is to take a training test. Here’s a rundown of each AP Biology practice test accessible. What's more, the best news? They’re free!
Friday, August 21, 2020
Blog Archive B-School Chart of the Week August 2016 Social Currency Rankings
Blog Archive B-School Chart of the Week August 2016 Social Currency Rankings Rankings come in all shapes and sizes, but can any ranking truly capture social cachet? For a different perspective on the value of an MBA, we turn to the New York Times society pages, where the editors select and profile promising couples. Each month, we dedicate one B-School Chart of the Week to tallying how alumni from top-ranked business schools are advancing their social currency ranking. The 2016 summer wedding season is over, but MBAs certainly took advantage of its last few weeksâ€"as is evident from the 22 August weddings involving MBAs that were profiled by the New York Times. Columbia Business School (CBS) graduates were especially busy, with four CBS MBAs tying the knot in three weddings. Danielle Kennedy and Markus Fischer, who were married on August 20, met on a CBS study trip to Japan while both were pursuing their MBAs at the school. CBS also served as a matchmaker for MBAs Charlotte Chapman and Jorge Vilariño, who walked down the aisle on August 27. In addition, a number of current MBA students did not let their studies get in the way of wedding feverâ€"MBA candidates from Harvard Business School, CBS, and Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth wed their loved ones just before the start of the fall semester. Share ThisTweet B-School Charts Columbia University (Columbia Business School) Dartmouth College (Tuck) Harvard University (Harvard Business School)
Monday, May 25, 2020
My Philosophy Of Education Is It Should Be About The...
My philosophy of Education is that it should be about the individual. In most of my experiences it has become just doing the same thing for each person, mostly book work, I think learning should be based on the best way a child can learn based on interests. If they become interested in learning they are more able to remember the lessons, whether that be done by using more hands on work or experiments. I believe the role of the teacher is to be an encourager or a mentor. The role of the teacher, I believe, is to be a facilitator for the students. I wish to teach high school, and as high schoolers they are at the age where soon they will become adults and think and act for themselves. Something students need to figure out is what is the best way to interact with the material and work with others. In the classroom, I want to encourage a community-like feel to it. I would organize my room where the students would easily be able to enter into discussions over the information. During one of my observations, the classroom was set up in two half circles and they were easily able to start discussing when told. This could change, as people are unpredictable, so I will need to be flexible and change in a way that will best help the student learn. In managing and disciplining in the classroom, the best way, I believe, is to make the students feel empowered. In order to do this a teacher has to give a little freedom in order to keep students from acting out. Students who do notShow MoreRelatedMy Own Beliefs About Teaching And Learning Essay1679 Words  | 7 Pages1. Think about your own beliefs about teaching and learning. In writing, discuss which of the philosophies of education and the learning orientations are closest to you? Why? Which do not fit with your philosophy of education and learning? Why? 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It should alsoRead MorePersonal Info : The Education System1198 Words  | 5 PagesI became interested in Education in a Diverse Society because I enjoy diversity and how dif ferent people can come together to work or learn as one unit. Volunteering with children is what made me interested in education. Even though I have no plans in becoming a teacher, I would like to keep volunteering at schools and other events such as camps because I enjoy helping children develop their minds and learn various aspects that pertain to life. Attending school in America my whole life and knowingRead More Educational Philosophy Statement Essay1327 Words  | 6 PagesEducational Philosophy There have been many philosophies passed down through the years by many great educators. Views and opinions that have varied from individual to individual. Some ideas were widely accepted and others were not. I feel that it is important for every educator to obtain their own individual educational philosophy. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020
Alkenyl Group in Chemistry
An alkenyl group is a hydrocarbon group formed when a hydrogen atom is removed from an alkene group. Alkenyl compounds are named by replacing the -e from the parent alkenes name with -yl. Examples: H2CCH- (ethenyl or commonly known as vinyl). The parent alkene was H2CCH2, ethene.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Controversy Of The Confederate Flag Essay - 1478 Words
Thompson 1 Flag Desecration Matthew Thompson Ponce de Leon High School College Prep English Terri Carroll December 18, 2016 Thompson 1 Outline: Flag Desecration Thesis: The controversy of the showing of the confederate flag is something huge. I. Flag Background A. Desecration Labeled Misdemeanor B. Illegal Specifics C. Permit Burning II. State Codes A. Individual State Laws B. Elements of the Flag C. Supreme Court Validation III. Bylaw for Flags A. Broke Down Specifications B. Detailed Rules Thompson 2 The controversy of the showing of the confederate flag is something huge. You have the bunch that does not like the flag, and then there is the group of individuals the support and fly the flag with pride. There are five states that have laws, in their own state, that state it is illegal to burn or deface the confederate flag. On surface, these state laws would seem to conflict the 5-4 decision made by the Supreme Court in Texas v. Johnson. The controversial case in 1989 that held up the burning the flag as an act of protected free speech. (As it is stated under the First Amendment.) ?If there is a bedrock principle underlying the First Amendment, it is that the government may not prohibit the expression of an idea simply because society finds the idea itself offensive or disagreeable,? said Justice William Brennen in his majority opinion. ?We have not recognized an exception to thisShow MoreRelatedThe Confederate Flag And Its Controversy1335 Words  | 6 Pages In my paper I will be discussing the Confederate Flag and its controversy in history and in todays views. The Confederate flag has been a negative symbol in American society since the 1800’s. It has been only recently that the Confederate flag has been brought back to life as a contemporary issue. In recent times the flag has been used as a motivation for racial strikes and other rebellious acts bring the issues of the flag and the controversy behind it back to life. The major questions I seek toRead MoreThe Confederate Flag : Controversy Or Logical Solution?1717 Words  | 7 PagesThe Confederate Flag: Controversy or Logical Solution? The Confederate flag has been a topic of controversy in the United States for many years. It and other symbols of the Confederacy are parts of many state flags in the South and it is even flown at several state buildings throughout the South. To some the Confederate flag is a historical symbol and is believed to be a way of remembering the Civil War that almost tore the nation in two, but to others it represents fear and hatred due to its useRead MoreAlabama s Confederate Flag Controversy1089 Words  | 5 PagesAlabama’s Confederate Flag Controversy The outlining issue here is the Confederate Flag and its perception amongst the Alabama population. Debating on whether the flag should be taken down in respect to citizen who are offended because of its close relation to the history of slavery in America. The opposing side felt that it is a part of southern/the south’s history, pride and should be honored. Also, the opposing side feels that with other issues happening in the community; this debate is not somethingRead MoreThe Confederate Flag Controversy Of Police Brutality1574 Words  | 7 PagesIn modern times, the United States is bombarded with racism and discrimination. From the confederate flag controversy to police brutality, the United States is reflecting a morbid past. Events such as these are fueled by false understandings of race and ethnicity; leading to stereotypes. For the Irish, Jews, and Italians, stereotypes led to severe discrimination from opportunities and isolation from society. Stereotypes in the past had a significant impact on the Irish people. Stereotypes such asRead MoreThe Confederate Flag : A Negative Symbol Of American Society Since The 1800 S1316 Words  | 6 PagesThe Confederate flag has been a negative symbol in American society since the 1800’s. It has been only recently that the Confederate flag has been brought back to life as a contemporary issue. In recent times the flag has been used as a motivation for racial strikes and other rebellious acts bring the issues of the flag and the controversy behind it back to life. The major questions I seek to answer in this essay is why the controversy of the Confederate flag only been brought back up recently andRead MoreHistory Of The Confederate Flag1455 Words  | 6 PagesChase Jones History of the confederate flag In the past couple of year, there has been a controversial battle over the flying of the Confederate Flag on government buildings. The controversy has really started to stir up in the southern states such as South Carolina, Mississippi, and Georgia. On January 30, 2001, the state of Georgia changed its flag, removing the large Confederate battle cross from the 1956 design and replacing it with the state seal of Georgia. Now, the state of Mississippi isRead MoreThe Battle Of The Confederate Flag1106 Words  | 5 PagesThe Confederate flag remains to be a hot topic that is drawing a lot of controversy in the state of Mississippi. Some individuals feel that the flag has a right to be flying all over the state; while, others can see it removed completely. The purpose of this paper is to discuss in detail four important topics as follows: (1) the history of the Confederate flag, (2) the economic impact, (3) state agencies and municipalities’ stance and (4) the Legislative positi on concerning the issue. The flag originatedRead MoreThe Battle Of The Confederate Flag977 Words  | 4 PagesWhen I first came across the Negative Views assignment, I immediately thought of the Confederate Flag. It was an obvious choice considering all the attention and the controversy surrounding it in the past few weeks. For me personally, if I was asked six months ago what I thought about the Confederate flag, I would say I loosely associated it with the term â€Å"redneck.†I looked up the definition of â€Å"redneck†on Internet Slang and it said redneck means, â€Å"Unsophisticated rural person from Southeast USARead MoreThe Battle Of The Confederate Flag954 Words  | 4 PagesMany, in the new era, do not know the history behind the meaning of a true rebel. The definition of rebel has changed in America from patriot in the time of the American Revolutionary war to confederate in the Civil War and to redneck in today’s societal controversy concerni ng the image of the Confederate flag. The first definition of rebel originates from the term of patriot from the Revolutionary War. The definition of rebel in the colonies during the Revolutionary War time was a person who wasRead MoreThe Confederate Flag And Mississippi1531 Words  | 7 PagesThe Confederate Flag and Mississippi The Confederate flag remains to be a hot topic that is drawing a lot of controversy in the state of Mississippi. Some individuals feel that the flag has a right to be flown all over the state; while, others can see it removed completely. The purpose of this paper is to discuss in detail four important topics as follows: (1) the history of the Confederate flag, (2) the economic impact, (3) state agencies and municipalities’ stance and (4) the Legislative position
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Harmonized System Nomenclature and Classification †Free Samples
Question: Discuss about the Harmonized System Nomenclature and Classification. Answer: Introduction Harmonized system is an international multipurpose product nomenclature that was developed by World Customs Organizations (WCO) to classify the traded goods (WCO, 2017). The parts and accessories are products of metallic in nature. For instance, when referring to automotives are the non-essential parts that add to the functionality of the automotive according to (World Customs Organization, 2017). Goods like the parts and accessories must always be classified under a specific tariff by choosing the item numbers that should be accompanied by language descriptions that are the most appropriate and more specific to that particular product. The item number that is selected gives the amount of the duty that is to be put on goods. Despite the fact that several merchandise descriptions are provided in the available tariff statutes disputes, do arise in the classification process management of goods (HS 2002 Classification by Section (Classifications, Commodity Codes, Commodity Description, HS 2002, HS code search), 2017). The conflicts do arise from three major issues that include the determination of the appropriate tariff term meaning, deciding on the classification of the article that is covered by several item numbers. These items are more than one, and the final problem that arises in the classification of goods is the classification of the new product that was initially not in existence now that tariff was adopted (What is a tariff code?: UPS, 2017). Incorrect classification usually results in the imposition of border penalties or the seizures and the non-compliance penalties. In the process of approaching the issues that make the classification of goods a head, tools have been provided to improve the data that exists in two major ways (Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding Systems (HS) (Classifications, Commodity Codes, Commodity Description, HS, HS code search, WCO), 2017). An algorithm which provides concordances between ten-digit Harmonized System codes that are used in the classification of goods in the international trade in the United States and SIC industry codes to classify the economic activities which are domestic. The other concordance is that between the HS codes and the SIC product or good used for the classification of United States manufacturing production management. Importance of the Harmonized system 200 countries and more as the basis for the customs tariffs and the purpose of collection of the international statistics of trade use the HS system, and more than 98% of the merchandise in the international trade uses the HS as the classification terms. The other benefit of the HS system is that it contributes positively to the harmonization of the customs and the trade procedure, as well as non-documentary trade interchange of data in connection with the procedures and therefore minimizing the costs that are related to the international trade (Harmonised System 2012, 2017). Harmonized systems are used by the private sector, international organizations and the government for the purposes that include trade policies, internal tax, origin rule, controlled goods monitoring, freight tariffs, price monitoring, transport statistics, economic research as well as analysis. Harmonized system classification is not always simple and easy, as it appears when people talk about it especially when it comes to the classification of the parts and accessories during the process (Memorandum D10-0-1 - Classification of Parts and Accessories in the Customs Tariff, 2017). The first challenge that is encountered in the classification is deciding on the classification of the article that is covered by several item numbers more than one. For instance, when it comes to the classification of the automotive parts, they are not classified under the 87.08 heading that provides for the parts and the accessories of most motor vehicles of 87.01 to 87.05 headings (Concepts and basics of Harmonised or HSN Codes for GST, 2017). The automotive parts are instead classified as furniture articles under the 94.01 headings that provides for the seats whether they are convertible to beds or not, and specifically, they are put under the 9401.20 subheading, which provides for the seats of that kind used for the motor vehicles. Because of this, the classification of parts and accessories becomes so challenging. The classification of the new product that was initially not in existence now the relevant tariff was adopted is another big issue that surrounds the classification process. This might be due to the inadequate description that is present on the invoice and the supporting information that can help in the whole process of the classification of the parts and accessories (HS 2002 Classification by Section (Classifications, Commodity Codes, Commodity Description, HS 2002, HS code search), 2017). Some resources might also be limited or unavailable for instance technical information, literature, as well as the classification data among others. Categorization of the relevant stock keeping units (SKUs) to facilitate the decision-making process with respect to forecasting and stock control and to help the managers to focus on important SKUs is yet another challenge. Despite the fact that this is a great challenge in the classification, it has been overlooked and it contributes significantly to the increase in the availability of the parts and accessories thus reducing the inventory costs (Harmonised System 2012, 2017).. The determination of the appropriate tariff term meaning is another big challenge that companies do face in during the classification of the parts and accessories because they need a specific tariff for the particular product by choosing the item number (World Customs Organization, 2017). The item number that is selected is the one that gives the amount of the duty that is to be put on goods. Conclusion Besides the customs tariff codes constituting the international trade language, they are used commonly for domestic taxes purposes like the sales and the consumption taxes of the company. In the current complex environment surrounding trade, classification of products remains to be a big challenge for majority of the companies, and this is because new products are being developed on a daily basis and their classification is becoming very difficult. Companies shouldlook out for new ways through which these challenges may be minimized to cut on the costs management. References Concepts and basics of Harmonised or HSN Codes for GST. (2017). Retrieved 6 October 2017, from Harmonised System 2012. (2017). Retrieved 6 October 2017, from Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding Systems (HS) (Classifications, Commodity Codes, Commodity Description, HS, HS code search, WCO). (2017). Retrieved 6 October 2017, from HS 2002 Classification by Section (Classifications, Commodity Codes, Commodity Description, HS 2002, HS code search). (2017). Retrieved 6 October 2017, from Memorandum D10-0-1 - Classification of Parts and Accessories in the Customs Tariff. (2017). Retrieved 6 October 2017, from Rim, K., Kim, H., Chung, Y. (2013). Micronucleus Test for the Classification of Chemical Mutagenicity according to Globally Harmonized System. Journal Of Applied Biological Chemistry, 56(4), 191-197. What is a tariff code?: UPS. (2017). Retrieved 6 October 2017, from World Customs Organization. (2017). Retrieved 6 October 2017, from
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