Monday, May 25, 2020
My Philosophy Of Education Is It Should Be About The...
My philosophy of Education is that it should be about the individual. In most of my experiences it has become just doing the same thing for each person, mostly book work, I think learning should be based on the best way a child can learn based on interests. If they become interested in learning they are more able to remember the lessons, whether that be done by using more hands on work or experiments. I believe the role of the teacher is to be an encourager or a mentor. The role of the teacher, I believe, is to be a facilitator for the students. I wish to teach high school, and as high schoolers they are at the age where soon they will become adults and think and act for themselves. Something students need to figure out is what is the best way to interact with the material and work with others. In the classroom, I want to encourage a community-like feel to it. I would organize my room where the students would easily be able to enter into discussions over the information. During one of my observations, the classroom was set up in two half circles and they were easily able to start discussing when told. This could change, as people are unpredictable, so I will need to be flexible and change in a way that will best help the student learn. In managing and disciplining in the classroom, the best way, I believe, is to make the students feel empowered. In order to do this a teacher has to give a little freedom in order to keep students from acting out. Students who do notShow MoreRelatedMy Own Beliefs About Teaching And Learning Essay1679 Words  | 7 Pages1. Think about your own beliefs about teaching and learning. In writing, discuss which of the philosophies of education and the learning orientations are closest to you? Why? Which do not fit with your philosophy of education and learning? Why? 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