Thursday, August 27, 2020
The Wife of Bath is the rapist knight herself Essay Example for Free
The Wife of Bath is simply the attacker knight Essay She despite everything adulates him and discusses the maltreatment perpetrated on her exceptionally unassumingly. As troublesome as it might be to swallow, would it be able to be that she is a case of a lady who simply needs the deception of having control while she is actually the person who is controlled? It isn't to state that ladies dont need power. We just dont need the entirety of the force. Subsequent to taking another of his beatings, she caused her fifth spouse to feel so liable that he surrendered the entirety of his benefits. Hence, there was a discontinuance of intensity which maybe infers to the peruser that her significant other may now be less alluring to her, since she has now crushed and vanquished him. After this experience, we don't hear considerably more of the fifth spouse. Why would that be? Is it since theres nothing left to tell since she controls him? We arent even told how this marriage closes whether he passed on or they isolated. Of tongue and clench hand, to be sure of all hed got. I caused him to consume that book upon the spot. What's more, when Id aced him, and out of gridlock. Made sure about myself the power of wedlock. For a long time, ladies have asked men to be progressively anxious to tune in and humor us in our musings and wants. In any case, we will in general become exhausted with these men. In spite of the fact that the two last relationships dont appear to be fruitful, the peruser can see the progress between spouses from ones that were basic and effectively subdues to the ones that were increasingly troublesome and harder to control. She is thinking that its harder to discover a spouse, since she feels debilitated, by what she considers the normal defect of maturing I wont forestall him! Sick have a spouse yet. So now she needs to advocate for herself, utilizing some other method to exhibit her capacity. She doesnt truly have the things that she portrays as significant, aside from what she has hastily attainted through past relationships. You state that some longing us for our riches, Some for our shapeliness, our looks, our wellbeing, Some for our singing, others for our moving, Some for our tenderness and dalliant looking, And some in light of the fact that our hands are delicate and little; But your record the fiend gets every one of us. Despite the fact that in her story she draws out her point that ladies need strength over a man in marriage, there are defects to her narrating. The ostensible saint in the story is an attacker. The word assault is frequently advanced by the Wife of Bath all through her story. The lord in the Wifes story speaks to power and would have incurred the discipline of death on the knight. The sovereign then again would have favored the knight to likewise be assaulted, tit for tat. Outside the realm of relevance, it tends to be seen that the Wife of Bath is simply the attacker knight. Since the story is her own, her qualities can be seen through the various characters. The Wife of Bath is compatible. She can be the knight who vanquishes the lady and who is additionally blinded by the bogus significance old enough and magnificence. Having made the knight and the topic of assault, she turns into an unending self-attacker. She could be the lady who is overwhelmed by the knights sexuality and quality, an indication of her sexual shortcoming. She could be the sovereign who is set upon this man discovering that lady need/need control. Or on the other hand considerably more in this way, we can consider her to be the witch who vanquishes the man and wins the force in the relationship. There is a delicate incongruity in the Wifes story. Her story is of the antifeminist clichi that all ladies in their souls want to have control yet in addition subliminally need to be assaulted.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
What Is the Endoplasmic Reticulum What Does It Do
What Is the Endoplasmic Reticulum What Does It Do SAT/ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips On the off chance that you’re preparing for the AP Biology test, at that point you’re likely investing a considerable amount of energy contemplating cell structure. However, keeping all the structures straight and seeing each one’s capacity can be confounding! That’s why we’re separating cell structures for you, beginning with the endoplasmic reticulum, or ER. In this article, we’ll encourage you all that you have to think about the endoplasmic reticulum, incorporating how it works in a cell. We’ll even separate the contrasts between the harsh endoplasmic reticulum and the smooth endoplasmic reticulum! Are you game? At that point let’s begin! A Quick Introduction to Cell Structure The endoplasmic reticulum is a basic piece of a cell. In your science class, you likely discovered that cells are the structure squares of all life...including people! Clearly, that makes cells overly significant, which is the reason it’s additionally critical to see how they work. Since plants and creatures are mind boggling animals, the structure of a cell is perplexing, as well. Every cell is comprised of numerous individual parts, every one of which includes a vocation inside the cell itself! Some assistance keep everything in one spot (like the cell film), some produce vitality to control the cell (the mitochondria), and there are even parts that help keep the cell clean (lysosomes)! These various structures found inside cells are called organelles. The endoplasmic reticulum is an organelle that can be found in both eukaryotic (creature) and prokaryotic (plant) cells. Simply remember that not all cells have endoplasmic reticulum! For instance, red platelets don’t have endoplasmic reticuli, despite the fact that they’re a significant piece of creature science! Endoplasmic Reticulum Definition The endoplasmic reticulum is characterized as an organelle that is comprised of a progression of phospholipid films. Truth be told, the layers that make up the endoplasmic reticulum can represent half of a cell’s all out film structure in creature cells! These layers are called cisternae, are molded like cylinders or sacs, and are persistent with the external film of the cell’s core. That’s an extravagant method of saying that the endoplasmic reticulum is joined to the core itself. Endoplasmic Reticulum Function Presently let’s talk somewhat progressively about how an endoplasmic reticulum capacities. As a rule, the endoplasmic reticulum assists with the amalgamation, collapsing, adjustment, and transport of proteins and lipids. The endoplasmic reticulum does this through ribosomes that are appended to its film dividers. (We’ll talk increasingly about how this functions somewhat later). The endoplasmic reticulum additionally stores calcium and discharges it when the cell needs it. Actually, a significant number of the proteins and lipids made by the endoplasmic reticulum are utilized by different organelles in the cell. Perhaps the most ideal approaches to comprehend and recollect!- what the endoplasmic reticulum does is to consider it like a manufacturing plant. In an assembling plant, individuals take crude materials and make it into something new and usable, which they at that point boat to different stores, producers, and providers around the globe. Much the same as a genuine plant, the endoplasmic reticulum constructs the â€Å"products†a cell needs to work, at that point â€Å"ships†them to where they have to go, when they have to go there. CFCF/WikimediaCommons Endoplasmic Reticulum Appearance So what does the endoplasmic reticulum resemble, precisely? All things considered, do you recall the labyrinths that you could discover in shading books when you were a child? The endoplasmic reticulum looks a great deal that way! The cisternae loosen up and away from the cell core in a progression of folds and cylinders, and they reach out all through the cell practically like a parkway framework. So when you’re taking a gander at a cell graph, search for the labyrinth like structure that’s joined to the cell core. That’s the endoplasmic reticulum! You may see that cell graphs regularly picture a few regions of the endoplasmic reticulum with knocks, while different segments look smooth. That’s in light of the fact that endoplasmic reticulum is really involved two pieces: the harsh endoplasmic reticulum and the smooth endoplasmic reticulum. Knowing how these various territories work is essential to understanding the capacity of the endoplasmic reticulum all in all. CFCF/Wikimedia Commons Unpleasant Endoplasmic Reticulum The unpleasant endoplasmic reticulum, or RER, gets its name from the ribosomes inserted in its surface...which make it look harsh! The unpleasant endoplasmic reticulum is arranged nearest to the core actually, it’s connected to the atomic envelope-so particles can move straightforwardly between the films. The ribosomes that are connected to the dividers of the harsh endoplasmic reticulum work simply like free ribosomes would. That implies that they combine proteins, which give the vitality expected to a cell to work. The way toward making proteins is called interpretation. One the ribosomes have combined a protein, they are â€Å"labeled†with a particular last goal. A few proteins are sent to the Golgi device, while others are emitted into the cell outside or kept inside the film of the unpleasant endoplasmic reticulum itself. There are sure proteins that are sent into the space inside the harsh endoplasmic reticulum. This space, which is likewise called the lumen, is the place certain proteins are collapsed, altered, and gathered. A portion of these proteins will have sugar bunches added to them to frame glycoproteins. In like manner, a portion of these new proteins will be moved out of the endoplasmic reticulum, while others will remain inside the endoplasmic reticulum to perform capacities there. The lumen is likewise where the endoplasmic reticulum does its â€Å"quality control.†When misfolded or in any case inaccurate proteins gather in the lumen, the unfurled protein reaction (or UPR) is activated. This advises the cell to lessen the measure of protein its creating while at the same time upgrading the endoplasmic reticulum’s protein-collapsing capacity. In the event that the issue doesn’t right itself, it triggers apoptosis, or customized cell passing. One too cool note: the ribosomes of the harsh endoplasmic reticulum aren’t for all time connected to the layer itself. That implies that new ribosomes can confine and connect contingent upon the proteins the cell needs! CFCF/Wikimedia Commons Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum Not at all like the harsh endoplasmic reticulum, the smooth endoplasmic reticulum doesn’t have any ribosomes appended to it. That makes it look smooth-which is the manner by which it gets its name! The smooth endoplasmic reticulum’s work is solely to make lipids, similar to phospholipids and cholesterol. How these lipids are utilized relies upon the cell type. Lipids can be utilized to make new cell films, make hormones, and store vitality. The smooth endoplasmic reticulum additionally detoxifies the cell by changing over harmful natural synthetic compounds into more secure, water solvent items. Fun actuality: when there are loads of poisons present, the smooth endoplasmic reticulum can twofold its surface region to help get them out. It will at that point come back to typical size after the poisons have been expelled. Liver cells have a lot of smooth endoplasmic reticulum for this very reason! At long last, there’s a sort of particular smooth endoplasmic reticulum called the sarcoplasmic reticulum. The sarcoplasmic reticulum is found in muscle cells and is utilized to store calcium particles that muscles need to work. At the point when muscles experience supported action, the sarcoplasmic reticulum can discharge the put away calcium particles to enable the muscles to work. Extra Resources On the off chance that you’ve read through this guide and still might want to find out about how the endoplasmic reticulum functions, here are a couple of different assets that you can look at. Khan Academy Khan Academy has huge amounts of free assets on a wide range of points including cell structure. Their video on the endoplasmic reticulum is extremely useful, and they have articles about it on their site, as well. The British Society for Cell Biology The British Society for Cell Biology is a British non-benefit association devoted to propelling cell science inquire about, which incorporates sharing information and data. One of the manners in which they do this is through instructive material, which they share on their site. Their softCell e-Learning gateway has huge amounts of good data pretty much all the organelles of a cell, including the endoplasmic reticulum. CrashCourse Who said examining must be exhausting? The CrashCourse channel on YouTube-facilitated by as a matter of fact John and Hank Green of VlogBrothers distinction is tied in with making fun and instructive substance. Hank’s arrangement on creature cells is an incredible asset, and the fourth video in the arrangement (Eukaryopolis!) gives you an outline of the endoplasmic reticulum. What’s Next? Need to look over something beyond the endoplasmic reticulum before handling the AP Biology test? Snatching an exercise manual or course reading may be your most solid option. Here’s a curated rundown of the best AP Biology books to assist you with contemplating harder and more astute. On the off chance that you’re feeling overpowered by the AP Biology test, you’re not the only one. There are bunches of understudies who discover this test precarious! That’s why we’ve set up a total AP Biology survey control. It separates the entirety of the points that may show up on the test, so you can make sense of precisely what you have to consider. (It likewise incorporates some extraordinary examination tips, as well!) The most ideal approach to make sense of if you’re arranged for the AP Biology test is to take a training test. Here’s a rundown of each AP Biology practice test accessible. What's more, the best news? They’re free!
Friday, August 21, 2020
Blog Archive B-School Chart of the Week August 2016 Social Currency Rankings
Blog Archive B-School Chart of the Week August 2016 Social Currency Rankings Rankings come in all shapes and sizes, but can any ranking truly capture social cachet? For a different perspective on the value of an MBA, we turn to the New York Times society pages, where the editors select and profile promising couples. Each month, we dedicate one B-School Chart of the Week to tallying how alumni from top-ranked business schools are advancing their social currency ranking. The 2016 summer wedding season is over, but MBAs certainly took advantage of its last few weeksâ€"as is evident from the 22 August weddings involving MBAs that were profiled by the New York Times. Columbia Business School (CBS) graduates were especially busy, with four CBS MBAs tying the knot in three weddings. Danielle Kennedy and Markus Fischer, who were married on August 20, met on a CBS study trip to Japan while both were pursuing their MBAs at the school. CBS also served as a matchmaker for MBAs Charlotte Chapman and Jorge Vilariño, who walked down the aisle on August 27. In addition, a number of current MBA students did not let their studies get in the way of wedding feverâ€"MBA candidates from Harvard Business School, CBS, and Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth wed their loved ones just before the start of the fall semester. Share ThisTweet B-School Charts Columbia University (Columbia Business School) Dartmouth College (Tuck) Harvard University (Harvard Business School)
Monday, May 25, 2020
My Philosophy Of Education Is It Should Be About The...
My philosophy of Education is that it should be about the individual. In most of my experiences it has become just doing the same thing for each person, mostly book work, I think learning should be based on the best way a child can learn based on interests. If they become interested in learning they are more able to remember the lessons, whether that be done by using more hands on work or experiments. I believe the role of the teacher is to be an encourager or a mentor. The role of the teacher, I believe, is to be a facilitator for the students. I wish to teach high school, and as high schoolers they are at the age where soon they will become adults and think and act for themselves. Something students need to figure out is what is the best way to interact with the material and work with others. In the classroom, I want to encourage a community-like feel to it. I would organize my room where the students would easily be able to enter into discussions over the information. During one of my observations, the classroom was set up in two half circles and they were easily able to start discussing when told. This could change, as people are unpredictable, so I will need to be flexible and change in a way that will best help the student learn. In managing and disciplining in the classroom, the best way, I believe, is to make the students feel empowered. In order to do this a teacher has to give a little freedom in order to keep students from acting out. Students who do notShow MoreRelatedMy Own Beliefs About Teaching And Learning Essay1679 Words  | 7 Pages1. Think about your own beliefs about teaching and learning. In writing, discuss which of the philosophies of education and the learning orientations are closest to you? Why? Which do not fit with your philosophy of education and learning? Why? Based upon my own beliefs about teaching and learning, the philosophy of education and the learning orientation that is closest to me is Progressivism; which is a philosophy that places focus on the influential ideologies of education. ProgressivesRead MoreEssay on I Want to Be Part of the Future605 Words  | 3 Pagesthat education is the hope of the future, and as an educator I will be an important part of that future. Behind every president, doctor, lawyer, and parent there was a teacher. I believe that all children can learn and should be provided with the opportunity to do so. Education should be equal and without prejudice. Education should be provided to all children in accordance with their ability. Education should foster each child’s feelings of community, success, and self-esteem. It should alsoRead MorePersonal Info : The Education System1198 Words  | 5 PagesI became interested in Education in a Diverse Society because I enjoy diversity and how dif ferent people can come together to work or learn as one unit. Volunteering with children is what made me interested in education. Even though I have no plans in becoming a teacher, I would like to keep volunteering at schools and other events such as camps because I enjoy helping children develop their minds and learn various aspects that pertain to life. Attending school in America my whole life and knowingRead More Educational Philosophy Statement Essay1327 Words  | 6 PagesEducational Philosophy There have been many philosophies passed down through the years by many great educators. Views and opinions that have varied from individual to individual. Some ideas were widely accepted and others were not. I feel that it is important for every educator to obtain their own individual educational philosophy. 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These ideology or philosophy is based on our assumptions about our definition of learning and our views on the nature of mankind, the purpose of education, the nature of the curriculum, the role of the teacher and the learner, and the nature of the instructional process. Similarly, I had a certain philosophy which focuses on introducesRead More My Educational Philosophy Essay955 Words  | 4 Pages My Educational Philosophy Methods educating individuals have been proposed by many different philosophers in diverse instances. I formed my view of method, curriculum, nature of students, nature of knowledge, and the purpose of public education, as well as my personal career goals from those philosophers. I took different aspects of the philosophers of Plato, Rousseau, Sophistry/Foucalt, and Pragmatism/Progressivism. 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After taking the philosophic inventory I found that I scored highest with existentialism and second highest with progressivism. After researching both existentialism and progressivism, I concluded that I agreed with both of these philosophies. I agree with existentialism because I believe that being an individual is important
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Alkenyl Group in Chemistry
An alkenyl group is a hydrocarbon group formed when a hydrogen atom is removed from an alkene group. Alkenyl compounds are named by replacing the -e from the parent alkenes name with -yl. Examples: H2CCH- (ethenyl or commonly known as vinyl). The parent alkene was H2CCH2, ethene.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Controversy Of The Confederate Flag Essay - 1478 Words
Thompson 1 Flag Desecration Matthew Thompson Ponce de Leon High School College Prep English Terri Carroll December 18, 2016 Thompson 1 Outline: Flag Desecration Thesis: The controversy of the showing of the confederate flag is something huge. I. Flag Background A. Desecration Labeled Misdemeanor B. Illegal Specifics C. Permit Burning II. State Codes A. Individual State Laws B. Elements of the Flag C. Supreme Court Validation III. Bylaw for Flags A. Broke Down Specifications B. Detailed Rules Thompson 2 The controversy of the showing of the confederate flag is something huge. You have the bunch that does not like the flag, and then there is the group of individuals the support and fly the flag with pride. There are five states that have laws, in their own state, that state it is illegal to burn or deface the confederate flag. On surface, these state laws would seem to conflict the 5-4 decision made by the Supreme Court in Texas v. Johnson. The controversial case in 1989 that held up the burning the flag as an act of protected free speech. (As it is stated under the First Amendment.) ?If there is a bedrock principle underlying the First Amendment, it is that the government may not prohibit the expression of an idea simply because society finds the idea itself offensive or disagreeable,? said Justice William Brennen in his majority opinion. ?We have not recognized an exception to thisShow MoreRelatedThe Confederate Flag And Its Controversy1335 Words  | 6 Pages In my paper I will be discussing the Confederate Flag and its controversy in history and in todays views. The Confederate flag has been a negative symbol in American society since the 1800’s. It has been only recently that the Confederate flag has been brought back to life as a contemporary issue. In recent times the flag has been used as a motivation for racial strikes and other rebellious acts bring the issues of the flag and the controversy behind it back to life. The major questions I seek toRead MoreThe Confederate Flag : Controversy Or Logical Solution?1717 Words  | 7 PagesThe Confederate Flag: Controversy or Logical Solution? The Confederate flag has been a topic of controversy in the United States for many years. It and other symbols of the Confederacy are parts of many state flags in the South and it is even flown at several state buildings throughout the South. To some the Confederate flag is a historical symbol and is believed to be a way of remembering the Civil War that almost tore the nation in two, but to others it represents fear and hatred due to its useRead MoreAlabama s Confederate Flag Controversy1089 Words  | 5 PagesAlabama’s Confederate Flag Controversy The outlining issue here is the Confederate Flag and its perception amongst the Alabama population. Debating on whether the flag should be taken down in respect to citizen who are offended because of its close relation to the history of slavery in America. The opposing side felt that it is a part of southern/the south’s history, pride and should be honored. Also, the opposing side feels that with other issues happening in the community; this debate is not somethingRead MoreThe Confederate Flag Controversy Of Police Brutality1574 Words  | 7 PagesIn modern times, the United States is bombarded with racism and discrimination. From the confederate flag controversy to police brutality, the United States is reflecting a morbid past. Events such as these are fueled by false understandings of race and ethnicity; leading to stereotypes. For the Irish, Jews, and Italians, stereotypes led to severe discrimination from opportunities and isolation from society. Stereotypes in the past had a significant impact on the Irish people. Stereotypes such asRead MoreThe Confederate Flag : A Negative Symbol Of American Society Since The 1800 S1316 Words  | 6 PagesThe Confederate flag has been a negative symbol in American society since the 1800’s. It has been only recently that the Confederate flag has been brought back to life as a contemporary issue. In recent times the flag has been used as a motivation for racial strikes and other rebellious acts bring the issues of the flag and the controversy behind it back to life. The major questions I seek to answer in this essay is why the controversy of the Confederate flag only been brought back up recently andRead MoreHistory Of The Confederate Flag1455 Words  | 6 PagesChase Jones History of the confederate flag In the past couple of year, there has been a controversial battle over the flying of the Confederate Flag on government buildings. The controversy has really started to stir up in the southern states such as South Carolina, Mississippi, and Georgia. On January 30, 2001, the state of Georgia changed its flag, removing the large Confederate battle cross from the 1956 design and replacing it with the state seal of Georgia. Now, the state of Mississippi isRead MoreThe Battle Of The Confederate Flag1106 Words  | 5 PagesThe Confederate flag remains to be a hot topic that is drawing a lot of controversy in the state of Mississippi. Some individuals feel that the flag has a right to be flying all over the state; while, others can see it removed completely. The purpose of this paper is to discuss in detail four important topics as follows: (1) the history of the Confederate flag, (2) the economic impact, (3) state agencies and municipalities’ stance and (4) the Legislative positi on concerning the issue. The flag originatedRead MoreThe Battle Of The Confederate Flag977 Words  | 4 PagesWhen I first came across the Negative Views assignment, I immediately thought of the Confederate Flag. It was an obvious choice considering all the attention and the controversy surrounding it in the past few weeks. For me personally, if I was asked six months ago what I thought about the Confederate flag, I would say I loosely associated it with the term â€Å"redneck.†I looked up the definition of â€Å"redneck†on Internet Slang and it said redneck means, â€Å"Unsophisticated rural person from Southeast USARead MoreThe Battle Of The Confederate Flag954 Words  | 4 PagesMany, in the new era, do not know the history behind the meaning of a true rebel. The definition of rebel has changed in America from patriot in the time of the American Revolutionary war to confederate in the Civil War and to redneck in today’s societal controversy concerni ng the image of the Confederate flag. The first definition of rebel originates from the term of patriot from the Revolutionary War. The definition of rebel in the colonies during the Revolutionary War time was a person who wasRead MoreThe Confederate Flag And Mississippi1531 Words  | 7 PagesThe Confederate Flag and Mississippi The Confederate flag remains to be a hot topic that is drawing a lot of controversy in the state of Mississippi. Some individuals feel that the flag has a right to be flown all over the state; while, others can see it removed completely. The purpose of this paper is to discuss in detail four important topics as follows: (1) the history of the Confederate flag, (2) the economic impact, (3) state agencies and municipalities’ stance and (4) the Legislative position
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Harmonized System Nomenclature and Classification †Free Samples
Question: Discuss about the Harmonized System Nomenclature and Classification. Answer: Introduction Harmonized system is an international multipurpose product nomenclature that was developed by World Customs Organizations (WCO) to classify the traded goods (WCO, 2017). The parts and accessories are products of metallic in nature. For instance, when referring to automotives are the non-essential parts that add to the functionality of the automotive according to (World Customs Organization, 2017). Goods like the parts and accessories must always be classified under a specific tariff by choosing the item numbers that should be accompanied by language descriptions that are the most appropriate and more specific to that particular product. The item number that is selected gives the amount of the duty that is to be put on goods. Despite the fact that several merchandise descriptions are provided in the available tariff statutes disputes, do arise in the classification process management of goods (HS 2002 Classification by Section (Classifications, Commodity Codes, Commodity Description, HS 2002, HS code search), 2017). The conflicts do arise from three major issues that include the determination of the appropriate tariff term meaning, deciding on the classification of the article that is covered by several item numbers. These items are more than one, and the final problem that arises in the classification of goods is the classification of the new product that was initially not in existence now that tariff was adopted (What is a tariff code?: UPS, 2017). Incorrect classification usually results in the imposition of border penalties or the seizures and the non-compliance penalties. In the process of approaching the issues that make the classification of goods a head, tools have been provided to improve the data that exists in two major ways (Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding Systems (HS) (Classifications, Commodity Codes, Commodity Description, HS, HS code search, WCO), 2017). An algorithm which provides concordances between ten-digit Harmonized System codes that are used in the classification of goods in the international trade in the United States and SIC industry codes to classify the economic activities which are domestic. The other concordance is that between the HS codes and the SIC product or good used for the classification of United States manufacturing production management. Importance of the Harmonized system 200 countries and more as the basis for the customs tariffs and the purpose of collection of the international statistics of trade use the HS system, and more than 98% of the merchandise in the international trade uses the HS as the classification terms. The other benefit of the HS system is that it contributes positively to the harmonization of the customs and the trade procedure, as well as non-documentary trade interchange of data in connection with the procedures and therefore minimizing the costs that are related to the international trade (Harmonised System 2012, 2017). Harmonized systems are used by the private sector, international organizations and the government for the purposes that include trade policies, internal tax, origin rule, controlled goods monitoring, freight tariffs, price monitoring, transport statistics, economic research as well as analysis. Harmonized system classification is not always simple and easy, as it appears when people talk about it especially when it comes to the classification of the parts and accessories during the process (Memorandum D10-0-1 - Classification of Parts and Accessories in the Customs Tariff, 2017). The first challenge that is encountered in the classification is deciding on the classification of the article that is covered by several item numbers more than one. For instance, when it comes to the classification of the automotive parts, they are not classified under the 87.08 heading that provides for the parts and the accessories of most motor vehicles of 87.01 to 87.05 headings (Concepts and basics of Harmonised or HSN Codes for GST, 2017). The automotive parts are instead classified as furniture articles under the 94.01 headings that provides for the seats whether they are convertible to beds or not, and specifically, they are put under the 9401.20 subheading, which provides for the seats of that kind used for the motor vehicles. Because of this, the classification of parts and accessories becomes so challenging. The classification of the new product that was initially not in existence now the relevant tariff was adopted is another big issue that surrounds the classification process. This might be due to the inadequate description that is present on the invoice and the supporting information that can help in the whole process of the classification of the parts and accessories (HS 2002 Classification by Section (Classifications, Commodity Codes, Commodity Description, HS 2002, HS code search), 2017). Some resources might also be limited or unavailable for instance technical information, literature, as well as the classification data among others. Categorization of the relevant stock keeping units (SKUs) to facilitate the decision-making process with respect to forecasting and stock control and to help the managers to focus on important SKUs is yet another challenge. Despite the fact that this is a great challenge in the classification, it has been overlooked and it contributes significantly to the increase in the availability of the parts and accessories thus reducing the inventory costs (Harmonised System 2012, 2017).. The determination of the appropriate tariff term meaning is another big challenge that companies do face in during the classification of the parts and accessories because they need a specific tariff for the particular product by choosing the item number (World Customs Organization, 2017). The item number that is selected is the one that gives the amount of the duty that is to be put on goods. Conclusion Besides the customs tariff codes constituting the international trade language, they are used commonly for domestic taxes purposes like the sales and the consumption taxes of the company. In the current complex environment surrounding trade, classification of products remains to be a big challenge for majority of the companies, and this is because new products are being developed on a daily basis and their classification is becoming very difficult. Companies shouldlook out for new ways through which these challenges may be minimized to cut on the costs management. References Concepts and basics of Harmonised or HSN Codes for GST. (2017). Retrieved 6 October 2017, from Harmonised System 2012. (2017). Retrieved 6 October 2017, from Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding Systems (HS) (Classifications, Commodity Codes, Commodity Description, HS, HS code search, WCO). (2017). Retrieved 6 October 2017, from HS 2002 Classification by Section (Classifications, Commodity Codes, Commodity Description, HS 2002, HS code search). (2017). Retrieved 6 October 2017, from Memorandum D10-0-1 - Classification of Parts and Accessories in the Customs Tariff. (2017). Retrieved 6 October 2017, from Rim, K., Kim, H., Chung, Y. (2013). Micronucleus Test for the Classification of Chemical Mutagenicity according to Globally Harmonized System. Journal Of Applied Biological Chemistry, 56(4), 191-197. What is a tariff code?: UPS. (2017). Retrieved 6 October 2017, from World Customs Organization. (2017). Retrieved 6 October 2017, from
Friday, April 10, 2020
Epigenetic Mechanisms
Introduction Various scientific epidemiological studies have revealed that most adults are highly prone to diseases, and this exposure is basically associated with adverse environmental conditions including famine (Heijmans et al 17046). This precisely targets those individuals who are prenatally exposed to famine or hunger, which is considered to be one of the environmental co-factors which play a significant role in heredity (Heijmans et al 17046).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Epigenetic Mechanisms specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The early developmental stages of an individual especially for the mammalian species, is the most vital and crucial period in which most establishment of the epigenetic mark occurs especially when exposed to harsh environmental conditions. This epigenetic mark can be transferred from parent to the offspring or in other words can be inherited. Mechanisms of epigenetic gene regulatio n Epigenetic inheritance can be defined as a scientific study of inheritable changes in gene expressions, which may occur due to changes occurring on the underlying DNA sequence and which may also occur due to other external mechanisms altering the gene expression (Ghose). Epigenetic inheritance again disqualifies the idea that inheritance only occur via the DNA contrary to genetic inheritance where it’s believed to be so (Ghose). This is because; it has been observed in many occasions that according to genetic inheritance, the parent passes genes to the offspring’s. But when it comes to epigenetic inheritance it is revealed that even the parents acquired life experience can be transferred to the offspring’s in form of epigenetic tags, which can further be passed on down to future generations (Ghose). The other difference between genetic inheritance and epigenetic inheritance is that, despite the fact that the DNA molecule is known to be very stable; it is rarel y subjected to modification contrary to the epigenetic tags which are weak and prone to many changes occurring over a given period of time once it’s subjected to any environmental influence (Ghose). This is the reason as to why twins have slight lifestyle variations though they are monozygotic (arise from one zygote) with identical epigenomes (Ghose). Even though the twins have identical epigenomes, several studies have revealed that these epigenetic tags eventually are considered to undergo changes over a period of time. The major forms of mechanisms that lead to epigenetic modification include DNA methylation and Histone deacetylation or modification (Heijmans et al 17048). Nevertheless, most phenotypic expression carried by offspring’s from the parent can be altered by any heritable gene transcription, which in most cases result to these epigenetic effects (Heijmans et al 17048). Moreover, Histone proteins which are referred to be tiny spherical granules on which th e DNA double helix strand wraps around, will automatically results to visual changes (at the phenotypic stages) in gene expression (Heijmans et al 17048).This is due to the slight changes of the DNA wrapping around the Histone.Advertising Looking for essay on biology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Based on this process â€Å"post translational modification of the long chains amino acids†(which are the building units for the Histone) will result in alteration of the shapes of the Histone sphere (Heijmans et al 17048). Furthermore, the DNA strand which may or may not be completely unwound during the normal stages of DNA replication will possibly result to the transfer of the modified Histone to each new copies of DNA produced during the cellular growth stages (Heijmans et al 17048). Furthermore, these new Histone once formed will act as templates initiating and reinforcing any new modifications to be copied to all diff erentiating cells which will remain in this new shape without reverting back (Heijmans et al 17048). Discussion One recent study which sought to investigate the environmental influence which can result in persistent changes of the epigenetic mark was done through a case study which based on individuals who were prenatally exposed to famine. During this period of famine, medical personnel present at that time had kept reliable records of all individuals who were prenatally exposed to hunger, so that they would make a follow up later during the study; in what would later become a cohort study Gestation exposure (Timing) A case study was conducted on sixty two individuals who had previously been exposed to famine during their gestation period, just to investigate and evaluate the influence of timing on DNA methylation; these people constituted the case group of the sample (Heijmans et al 17049). Furthermore, when determining whether IGF2 DMR methylation depended on timing, more studies were conducted on the periconceptional and late exposed groups who were analyzed together in a single model; the results confirmed that periconceptional exposure was basically associated with lower methylation, whereas the late exposure was not (Heijmans et al 17049). This was statistically and significant evidence which revealed presence of interaction between timing and environmental exposure (Heijmans et al 17049). Birth weight Moreover, the mean weight of sixty two individuals who were previously exposed to famine in their late gestation period was measured; it was again proved that the total mean which was calculated was 3126g; 296g lower than the mean of reference births recorded in 1943 in the very same institution which was 3422g (Heijmans et al 17047). This lower birth weights occurred as a result of famine during the previous hunger winter period, not withstanding the fundamental relationship between IGF2 DMR methylation (Heijmans et al 17047). Age association This experi ment was based on determining presence of any correlation between age and IGF2 DMR methylation; comparatively, the 122 control individual analysis revealed that age 10 was identified to be associated with 3.6% low methylation modifications across all the age group sampled. (Heijmans et al 17047).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Epigenetic Mechanisms specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Periconceptional exposure of an individual especially to famine was deduced to be associated with variation in IGF2 DMR methylation, which eventually was observed in adulthood among the subjects; to confirm this laboratory analysis was done which validated the findings. The results confirmed that â€Å"all CpG sites except one was significantly less methylated among all quantified periconceptionally exposed individuals as compared to their offspring’s which was at 0.488†(Heijmans et al 17047); consequently, for those si blings not exposed it was observed to be at 0.515. Finally, basing on the results it was deduced that periconceptional exposure was associated with 5.2% lower methylation occurrence which was ultimately independent of sex (Heijmans et al 17047). Hypothesis testing and supportive evidence Basing on the argument, the data provided completely support the hypothesis; that environment strongly contributes to epigenetic inheritance, more supportive evidence is availed when a study on twins was conducted (Ghose). Twins who share identical genes, with similar methylation patterns which have been inherited from their parents, still ended up being so different (Ghose). Furthermore, in most cases; twins who emerged from same zygote (monozygotic twins) exhibited such scenarios where one could suffer from a disease like diabetes or cancer while the other remains perfectly healthy (Ghose). This is attributed to be the impacts of environmental influences, which eventually results in adaptation of different epigenetic variability; this epigenetic variation in terms of methylation pattern arises due to insignificant, â€Å"random changes in DNA methylation†which collectively accumulates after each cell division causing a major change (Ghose). The most current studies have revealed that these cases of associations between DNA methylation and that of periconceptional exposure during the early developmental stages are also common in modern societies probably because of the present lifestyles coupled with environmental factors. This evidently includes reported cases of over nutrition and assisted reproductive methods and technologies; all being measures which give rise to similar associations Conclusion Though various research studies have been done on the subject matter, there is no conclusive evidence to suggest whether this epigenetic inheritance is real or not; nevertheless most evidence indicate this epigenetic inheritance is possible.Advertising Looking for essay on biology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This is because of the fact that these findings have further explained many strange patterns of inheritance, in which many geneticists have been puzzling on over decades to uncover. The twin evidence discussed in this paper is one such vital proof that shows how epigenetic and DNA methylation can occur catalyzed by environmental influence ( Finally, one most important notation concerning epigenetic inheritance is that the most crucial stage in which the establishment of epigenetic marks can occur is during the early embryonic development stages of the organism. This was practically proved through an experiment carried out on mice, whereby when culturing the preimplantated mice embryo, it was revealed that the epigenetic marks were susceptible to environmental factors especially nutrition during their early days of development. Works Cited Ghose, T. An epigenetic inheritance, 2009. Web. Heijmans, T., Tobi, W., Stein, D., Putter, H., Blauw, G., Susser, S., Slagboom , E. Lumey, H. â€Å"Persistent epigenetic differences associated with prenatal exposure To famine in humans.†Newyork state psychiatric institute, 105 (2008): 44. Print. Epigenetics and Inheritance, 2011. Web. Retrieved from This essay on Epigenetic Mechanisms was written and submitted by user Maksim Downs to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Monday, March 9, 2020
Investigating the Effect of Lipase Concentration on the Breakdown of F
Investigating the Effect of Lipase Concentration on the Breakdown of F Investigating the Effect of Lipase Concentration on the Breakdown of Fat in Milk INTRODUCTION: Enzymes are proteins which can catalyse chemical reactions without changing themselves. The enzyme lipase breaks down the fat in dairy products such as full-cream milk for people who are lactose intolerant. Lipase acts on its specific substrate, lipids produces fatty acids. If enzyme concentration increases, random collisions between the substrates and active sites of enzyme increase due to the increasing amount of active sites which allow more collisions to happen, so the rate of breakdown of lipids to simpler substances will increase. During the experiment, sodium carbonate solution and pH indicator phenolphthalein will be added ahead of lipase enzyme; when the pH is below 8.2, phenolphthalein will turn from pink to colourless. Sodium carbonate solution is added in order to turn the solution alkaline and the indicator pink then back to colourless after lipase is added to catalyse the chemical reaction and speed up the breakdown of lipids into fatty acid in the milk. Fatty acid prod uced then is going to neutralise the solution with sodium carbonate solution added previously; phenolphthalein will finally turn from pink back to colourless. AIM: In this experiment I will investigate the effect of increasing enzyme concentration on the activity of the enzyme lipase that will be allowed to act on the same amount of milk and the time taken for the phenolphthalein to turn from pink to white compared. HYPOPTHESIS: With higher lipase concentrations, there will be more active sites in the solution to be fit in by the substrates, which means more collisions between the active sites and the substrates and quicker breakdown of lipids in the milk within shorter period of time. At enzyme concentration of 1% or 2%, reactions can happen at a relatively slower pace, with lipids broken down and phenolphthalein turning from pink to white over a relatively longer time period. At 3%, enzyme activity will speed up with lipids broken down and phenolphthalein turning from pink to white over a relatively shorter time period. At 4% or 5%, enzyme activity will happen significantly faster. APPARATUS: 1. Lipase solution at concentration 5% 2. 1 test tube 3. 5 dropping pipettes 4. full-fat milk 5. 4 measuring cylinders of 10ml (0.5ml) 6. 1 stopwatch (1s) 7. 1 stirrer 8. phenolphthalein 9. sodium carbonate solution at 0.5 mol dm3 10. Marker pen 11. distilled water 12. 4 beakers of 200ml (5ml) VARIABLES: Independent Variables: 1. Enzyme concentration- effectiveness of enzyme concentration will be tested at 1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, and 5%. Enzyme lipase at the concentrations of 1%, 2%, 3%, 4% will be made by mixing lipase at 5% and distilled water; all these solutions will be contained in different beakers to keep them pure. In order to make 1% lipase, for each 1ml lipase, 4ml distilled water will be added and poured into a beaker; to make 2% lipase, for each 1ml lipase, 3ml distilled water will be added; to make 3% lipase, for each 1ml lipase, 2ml distilled water will be added; in order to make 4% lipase, for each 1ml lipase, 1ml distilled water will be added. Controlled Variables: 1. Volume of the milk used for every test will be kept constantly at 5ml; substrate concentration will be kept the same since full-cream milk will be used. Different volumes of milk will allow different amount of substrates to be contained in the milk. Therefore, more substrates contained in the milk will take it more time for the enzyme to break all the fats while the amounts of lipase and sodium carbonate solution stay the same. 2. pH of the substrate the identical amount of 7ml sodium carbonate solution, which is alkaline, will be added in the test tube; if not, more or less fatty acids will be produced and needed to neutralise the solution and for the phenolphthalein to turn from pink to colourless. 3. Volume of lipase solution 3ml lipase will be added to for each test. By keeping this the same, the amount of active sites of enzyme will be equal in all the cases, therefore allowing results to be fair. If more were placed in one of the test tubes, then the rate of activity of the enzyme at different concentrations will be wrongly judged, leading to incorrect conclusion. 4. Temperature
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Case study and phenomenal study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Case study and phenomenal study - Essay Example 2). The difference between the two may appear in terms of their applicability. Case study is largely generic in its usage and understanding, the phenomenological study in contrast largely pertains to the cognitive understanding of the human mind, ability and power to reason. Case study would be more important when the previously undertaken models, patterns and policies are addressed and undertaken for purpose of study. The phenomenological study in contrast may be directed towards the educational sector when the role of single unit or single individual is under scrutiny. The kind of research question undertaken and asked for is directly reflective of the nature of research undertaken. If a given question is about a whole scenario and its overall outcome, it can be attributed to the study and assessment in terms of the case study. In case a particular domain has been subjected to determining its influence or finding the potential alternatives, then it would be considered for a different version of research (Schalk, 2009, p
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Legislative and Ethical Issues COPYRIGHT PROTECTION IN THE DIGITAL PowerPoint Presentation
Legislative and Ethical Issues COPYRIGHT PROTECTION IN THE DIGITAL ENVIRONMENT - PowerPoint Presentation Example This type of convergence leads to innovation and tight competition that is beneficial to everyone. However, some rules require review in order to cater for the new technological developments and policies (Ogawa 2006). New growth types will be generated by a digital market that is genuine and benefits will be registered at all European Union sectors of economic (Mazziotti 2008). The e-commerce growth rate is skyrocketing nationally but it is still marginalised in the retail trade of Europe and this hinders online services development (Solovay & Reed 2003). The deficiency of knowledge about the applicable rules, rights conferred and opportunities offered by digital economy enhances their reluctance (Blythe 2011). The difficulties associated with transactions across the border such as deliveries, dispute resolutions and payments discourage business people from accepting the internet advantages to purchase or distribute their services and goods (Ogawa 2006). Digital single market therefore has a long way to go before achieving its complete potential. Objectives that are geared towards growth potential of online services and commerce must be set up (Solovay & Reed 2003). Their boosting at the European level needs action that is concerted and firm as stipulated in the Digital Agenda for Europe (Tian 2008). This commission is dedicated to working along with stakeholders in order to achieve the set objectives. Most of the initiatives outlined in this commission have been adopted (Perritt 2001). Peer-to-peer networking is making use of computers that are relatively powerful, are personal and their computing tasks are beyond those of the client (Campbell & Woodley 2002). The current personal computer has a large memory, very fast processor and a large hard disk, not all of which are used when browsing or e-mailing (Ogawa 2006). This computer acts as a server and a client (a peer) for several applications. The features of
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Effect of Positive and Negitive Thinking Essay Example for Free
Effect of Positive and Negitive Thinking Essay When life gives you lemons, make grape juice, and leave the world wondering how you did it. The effects of both positive and negative thinking affects the world in the same sense, to have been given the different options to see the world and deciding which path to take. With each decision and action is the same as Newton’s law of gravity what goes up must come down, it’s a natural accordance that will continue on in the never ending circle of life. The processes of these thoughts pass from person to person, place to place, and with every situation it changes and grows with life. Throughout life someone somewhere has heard, be it through friends or family, things such as If you think bad thoughts, then youll jinx it or If you think the worst, the worst will happen. Sadly now the world is slowly becoming consumed by more negativity then ever before, making these more then just little wives’ tales and they all start in the mind. When people are negative, either to ones’ self or others, it expands and jumps out. Think of a school environment, on a day-to-day basis, all those people are moving together, all those different personalities are clicking or crashing with one another, and all range of emotions are swirling around, one individual in the group could be having a bad day for a number of reasons, they might unintentionally do or say something that could in turn ruin another individual’s day. In some cases permitting for so many of the negative thoughts that come and go over time can turn from exciting just mentally in the mind, outward to the physical being itself. People who worry or overstress about all the little things that can go wrong or might happen, these are the â€Å"what if†thinkers, have been known to unwillingly force the body to become sick, in order to slow down the thoughts; that is a form of negative thinking attacking the body. In Greek mythology Pandora’s Box was said to have contained all the horrible and negative things of man, Envy, Crime, Hate, and Disease. When Pandora opened the box all of it escaped but the last thing to leave was Hope, the one thing that was meant to go against the darkness, negativity, the hatred of the humans’ lives. There have been quite a number of cases over the years that have reporting’s of people fighting diseases, such as cancer or childhood leukemia, where there have been quotes saying that staying positive and not letting this dieses get them down has helped, along with treatment, to rid the body of the nasty infection causing the unwanted pain and trouble. It can be a challenging and often long battle that tests the person’s ability and desire to live in a way that others will never feel. Those with a positive outlook that have the strength to fight all that comes at them with a smile, strong will, telling them selves â€Å"I can beat this.†have a higher chance of beating the bad blood that runs through the veins and can stay in remission for many years to follow. There have been quite a few cases that the upkeep of positive thinking in one’s daily life as lead to less depression, more immunity toward the common cold, as shown in tests involving students rec eiving an injection that made skin bumps appear and become enlarged or smaller depending upon their level of germ immunity. Highly optimistic students experienced higher immunity levels, and less chance of a cardiovascular disease. Religions use this power of thinking to touch people and to bring, what some call, a light into their worlds. Each person perceives it in a way specific to the individual often calling it what may best befit with their life. The major religion that focuses on the mind set with positive negative comparison is considered the most taboo, Wiccan and Paganism. A law of Wiccans’ is send the positive energy step taken and breath inhaled, which means send the good engery, karma, whatever name chosen, to the children of the world, to other adults, to the families you know and strangers not yet met. It is believed that by doing this the positive energy that gets sent out can come right back ten fold, most call this way of thinking Karma. Christians call it the light of God, a warm sensation that engulfs the body and fills it with joy and most pass the feeling on with the word of God. For every positive there is a negative in the world, just like from the Disney movie Merlin â€Å"for every up there is a down, for every flat there is a round.†it is a never ending cycle that will repeat even once the human race evolves beyond life now. Some people have been known to refer to these as storm clouds, which does fit because of the fact that they bring darkness and destruction when they come, but what they leave behind is not always seen so quickly, like the new life the rain brings, a fire from lightning is natures way of removing the dry and dead plant life and provides space for the new life to come through with more room to grow and expand. It is all a circle and without the negative there is no positive. The human race all around the world is controlled, both knowingly and unknowingly to the individuals of earth, by their mental state of mind, because in the end that’s all it is. The power of the mind has been traced through centuries of cultures and religious views, from the Far East to the New West. Daisaku Ikeda president of the worlds largest Buddhist community, once said â€Å"As soon as you think you cant possibly succeed, every cell in your being will be deflated and give up the fight [and] everything really will move in the direction of failure. Cultures use the power of the mind to breathe life, to live life to the fullest humans can. The processes of these thoughts pass from person to person, place to place, and with every situation it changes and grows with life. Citations Positive Thinking Principles Health Effects of Positive Thinking Effects of Positive Thinking Phycology Today Welcome to WritePoint, the automated review system that recognizes errors most commonly made by university students in academic essays. The system embeds comments into your paper and suggests possible changes in grammar and style. Please evaluate each comment carefully to ensure that the suggested change is appropriate for your paper, but remember that your instructors preferences for style and format prevail. You will also need to review your own citations and references since WritePoint capability in this area is limited. Thank you for using WritePoint. When life gives you lemons Adora Pallisco February 2, 2013 Com/155 Compare Contrast Essay When life gives you lemons, make grape juice, and leave the world wondering how you did it. The effects of both positive and negative thinking affects the world in the same sense, to have been given the different options to see the world and deciding which path to take. With each decision and action is the same as Newton’s law of gravity what goes up must come down, it’s a natural accordance that will continue on in the never ending circle of life. The processes of these thoughts pass from person to person, place to place, and with every situation it changes and grows with life. Throughout life someone somewhere has heard, be it through friends or family, things such as If you think bad thoughts, then youll jinx it or If you think the worst, the worst will happen. Sadly now the world is slowly becoming consumed by more negativity then ever before, making these more then just little wives’ tales and they all start in the mind. When people are negative, either to ones’ self or others, it expands and jumps out. Think of a school environment, on a day-to-day basis, all those people are moving together, all those different personalities are clicking or crashing with one another, and all range of emotions are swirling around, one individual in the group could be having a bad day for a number of reasons, they might unintentionally do or say something that could in turn ruin another individual’s day. In some cases permitting for so many of the negative thoughts that come and go over time can turn from exciting just mentally in the mind, outward to the physical being [Doctoral rule (but good advice for any academic writer)If not a noun (as in human being), the word Being is hard to imagine; it means existing. Try to rewrite this without using beingwith action words like attending, working, living, experiencing, simply asor even removing being completely] itself. People who worry or overstress about all the little things that can go wrong or might happen, these are the â€Å"what if†thinkers, have been known to unwillingly force the body to become sick, in order to slow down the thoughts; that is a form of negative thinking attacking the body. In Greek mythology Pandora’s Box was said to have contained all the horrible and negative things of man, Envy, Crime, Hate, and Disease. When Pandora opened the box all of it escaped but the last thing to leave was Hope, the one thing that was meant to go against the darkness, negativity, the hatred of the humans’ lives. There have been quite a number of cases over the years that have reporting’s of people fighting diseases, such as cancer or childhood leukemia, where there have been quotes saying that staying positive and not letting this dieses get them down has helped, along with treatment, to rid the body of the nasty infection causing the unwanted pain and trouble. It can be a challenging and often long battle that tests the person’s ability and desire to live in a way that others will never feel. Those with a positive outlook that have the strength to fight all that comes at them with a smile, strong will, telling them selves â€Å"I can beat this.†have a higher chance of beating the bad blood that runs through the veins and can stay in remission for many years to follow. There have been quite a few cases that the upkeep of positive thinking in one’s daily life as lead to less depression, more immunity toward the common cold, as shown in tests involving students receiving an injection that made skin bumps appear and become enlarged or smaller depending upon their level of germ immunity. Highly optimistic students experienced higher immunity levels, and less chance of a cardiovascular disease. Religions use this power of thinking to touch people and to bring, what some call, a light into their worlds. Each person perceives it in a way specific to the individual often calling it what may best befit with their life. The major religion that focuses on the mind set with positive negative comparison is considered the most taboo, Wiccan and Paganism. A law of Wiccans’ is send the positive energy step taken and breath inhaled, which means send the good engery, karma, whatever name chosen, to the children of the world, to other adults, to the families you know and strangers not yet met. It is believed that by doing this the positive energy that gets sent out can come right back ten fold, most call this way of thinking Karma. Christians call it the light of God, a warm sensation that engulfs the body and fills it with joy and most pass the feeling on with the word of God. For every positive there is a negative in the world, just like from the Disney movie Merlin â€Å"for every up there is a down, for every flat there is a round.†it is a never ending cycle that will repeat even once the human race evolves beyond life now. Some people have been known to refer to these as storm clouds, which does fit because of the fact that they bring darkness and destruction when they come, but what they leave behind is not always seen so quickly, like the new life the rain brings, a fire from lightning is natures way of removing the dry and dead plant life and provides space for the new life to come through with more room to grow and expand. It is all a circle and without the negative there is no positive. The human race all around the world is controlled, both knowingly and unknowingly to the individuals of earth, by their mental state of mind, because in the end that’s all it is. The power of the mind has been traced through centuries of cultures and religious views, from the Far East to the New West. Daisaku Ikeda president of the worlds largest Buddhist community, once said â€Å"As soon as you think you cant possibly succeed, every cell in your being will be deflated and give up the fight [and] everything really will move in the direction of failure. Cultures use the power of the mind to breathe life, to live life to the fullest humans can. The processes of these thoughts pass from person to person, place to place, and with every situation it changes and grows with life.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Dionysus :: Ancient Rome Roman History
Dionysus Dionysus, also known by his Roman name Bacchus, which he appears to have two different origins. Dionysus was the god of wine, agriculture and fertility of nature, but on the other hand he also represents the mystery in religions. Scholars believe that this god came about later in pre-history, unlike other gods. Almost all barbarian nations had their own versions of Dionysus under many names such as, Bacchus, Zagreus, Sabazius, Adonis, Antheus, Zalmoxis, Pentheus, Pan, Liber Pater, or simply "the liberator." His symbol was the thyrsus, (which is a staff tipped with a pinecone, sometimes with ivy leaves) Dionysus was born of fire, he was good and gentle to those who honored him, but he also brought madness and destruction to those who ignored him or the rituals of his cult. "One day, Zeus was traveling on Earth. He wore a disguise; because undisguised no mortal could look at him and live. He came to Thebes, and Ancient City of Greece where he fell in love with Semele, the daughter of King Cadmus. Their love was immense, and before they knew she became pregnant. Semele wanted nothing else but to look into the eyes of her true love. Her nurse, who happened to be the disloyal Hera in disguise, influenced her cruelly. Semele could not stand it any longer and finally, she asked Zeus to give her a good fortune. He was deeply in love with the young women and did anything she pleased. He swore an unbreakable promise on the river Styx that she could have anything she wished for. Meaning no harm, Semele asked to see the god of thunderbolt, Zeus was frightened. He knew that this would mean her guaranteed death. "NO" he cried in torment. "Anything but that. You do not know what you're asking for." She insisted and Zeus miserably kept his word and granted her wish. As he reveled his burning appearance, the unlucky Semele was almost completely destroyed by the fire, except her womb, which she had wrapped with some ivy. Zeus was angry, he quickly took the fetus from the womb, cut open his own thigh, and put the child into it. The child continued to grow in Zeus's thigh, when development in the womb was complete, Zeus gave birth to the baby, Dionysus. The child of fire had been born with a brand new force to be discovered.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Individual Organizational Structure Paper
Individual Organizational Structure Paper MGT/230 July 23, 2012 Todd Lambertson Individual Organizational Structure Paper Facebook is a social-networking site that has a strong organization structure that is appropriate for their particular product; social media. Facebook seems like a simple site that does not require a structure to operate. Twitter works in the same way but is only set up for chatting through posts, or as it is called tweets. Tweets are text-based quotes of up to 140 characters and are posted on the user’s profile page (Shetty, 2010). Users can also send pictures and videos through Twitpics and other sources (O'leary, 2011).Millions of people use Facebook and organizations use them to advertise and to promote their services. Facebook is set up where users have friends who can see each other user’s posts. They also can tag pictures, providing information on who is in a particular picture (O'leary, 2011). Facebook launched in 2004, and is now the most po pular social-networking site. This strong organization structure has allowed Facebook to grow and continue to be strong in a competitive marketplace where the product is your personal life. Facebook has developed their organizational structure to become one of the most used social-networking sites in the world.This spot was previously held by MySpace. MySpace was used by individuals to chat with each other, create music playlists, and to post pictures and other personal information. Businesses never adapted to MySpace like they have with Facebook. Companies have found that it is more worthwhile to advertise with Facebook. Facebook realized that to stay in business and be profitable it would need high traffic on the site and many top advertisers. Once businesses could take advantage of this new web tool, they learned quickly how helpful it was to them. Users can befriend or follow organizations that they are interested in.The organizations can use this platform to promote a product, service, or even a cause. It is simple, easy to use, and effective. Facebook has developed games and applications to entertain a person while they are online. While a person is logged into Facebook a user can change their status, check on a friend’s status, post pictures or even post on their friend’s wall. Facebook is the most popular social-networking site that has developed a business structure that supports their organization. Facebook has many organizational functions that support the different responsibilities from within the organization.Facebook is set up for huge amounts of marketing through the use of advertising, and Twitter allows individual organizations to post tweets to keep followers interested in them. Through games, Facebook makes money by asking users to pay for different parts of the game. Anyone who has played Farmville or other games similar to it will say that these games are addicting. When playing these games users can purchase items in the mar ketplace with coins that they receive from playing that game whether it is from planting crops, harvesting them, crafting items, or harvesting their animals that they have placed on their farms.There are also items in the marketplace that takes cash to buy. In Farmville it is called farm cash, and in order to get farm cash the person has to either buy a card from a department store like Wal-Mart or Target, or they can charge the fees to their credit cards. The amount of farm cash you can buy is low as $10 and a high of $100. The $10 dollars buys that person $55 farm cash, and the $100 dollars buys $250 farm cash. Facebook has many ways to make money and maintain their financial stability; they can constantly try many different things.Because Facebook has a huge amount of daily traffic, organizations are willing to pay to advertise with them. Facebook uses a horizontal and functional organization. They are set up in a way that an employee on the organization chart has a particular se t of responsibilities and skills. These responsibilities and skills are unique to a specific task; they are specialized. A functional organization has specialized departments, and they are grouped according to their business functions or particular skills that each function requires (Bateman & Snell, 2011).Facebook is a strong organization, and it will remain that way for years to come. Companies and organizations from all over the world will continue to use them to promote their ideas, products, or anything else that they want to make known. Dell and Best Buy are focusing their primary efforts on the marketing and their service through social media (O'leary, 2011). There is an easy way to follow charts between each operation. This allows for less confusion and clear channels of authority. Without this, failure is inevitable. While one department is responsible for monitoring he IT (information technology), and another department is responsible for the web content. The same goes for marketing, human resources, and other similar aspects of the business. Every department is specialized and functions effectively this way. Without the proper structure, information can get confused and the responsibilities get unclear. This will create total chaos and in the end will cause the website to fail or collapse. For a business to be successful, it has to have an effective organizational structure. A basic organization structure gives any business direction which that allows it to function at its fullest potential.One of the first steps in starting up a business is to create a basic organization structure and to have it show all the departments, what their functions are, and who will be running it (Shetty, 2010). A functional organization is the proper structure for Facebook because of the different type of business they are. If responsibilities in the departments were not properly defined or organized, it can cause them to be less functional and less effective at social-n etworking. Social-networking sites are here to stay and Facebook is leading the way. They have learned from other social-networking sites like MySpace.That is what it takes to create huge traffic and attract many and different advertisers. By creating an effective organizational structure, they can remain successful and have little or limited internal issues. References Bateman, T. S. , ; Snell, S. A. (2011). Management: Leading ; collaborating in a competitive world (9th ed. ). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Irwin. O’Leary, D. E. (2011). The use of social media in the supply chain: survey and extensions. , 18(2/3), p121-144. Shetty, N. (2010). Organizational structures. Retrieved from http://www. managementparadise. com/forums/human-resources-management-h-r/215152-organizational-structure. html
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Essay on Jet Blue - 1410 Words
Jet Blue has an opportunity to remain cutting edge in the airline industry by continuing to be low-cost and expanding carrier. A great market for Jet Blue to expand to would be towards the Caribbeans. As well as possibly lobbying Washington to lift travel sanctions in Cuba, which at one point was a major vacation getaway for Americans. This opportunity fits into Jet Blues current business model of short distance flights at a lower cost than the competition. Jet Blue is a shinning star in the gloomy airline industry. Jet Blue has been showing great earnings and growth since its incorporation in 2000. Jet Blue uses innovative strategies to further their success in a market, which has been showing nothing but losses across the board.†¦show more content†¦Along with reducing the amount of middlemen customers have to deal with, added to his reduced expense structure which in turn proved to be cost effective. David Neeleman originally worked for South West Airlines and helped increase there business, but wanted to venture out on his own. Neelemen experienced set backs because his prior employer made him sign a no compete contract for five years. During those five years Neeleman was able to complete a solid business plan, which would use South West Airlines business model but with better marketing strategies Jet Blue was built on a strong foundation with experienced and knowledgeable people making decisions. Neeleman felt that certain key employees needed to be put in place to have this organization grow the way it has. So a solid team was put in place and the machine has been oiled. In order for Jet Blue to have obtained such a significant market they needed unique marketing. Jet Blue approached and targeted specific markets which they serviced with certain marketing incentives. Jet Blue set up its main head quarters in New Yorks JFK which is one of the biggest airports in the world. This was a strategic plan due to the lack of domestic flights going in and out of JFK, that minimized there competition which allowed them to continue on a path which led them to there success. Through targeting specific markets and concentrating their efforts on those markets they gained a loyalShow MoreRelatedJet Blue2703 Words  | 11 Pagesï » ¿Derivatives Soluion: Application for Financial Futures Case Solution for Peoples Federal Savings Bank 1. Should Peoples Federal Savings have hedged its September 1 savings certificate rollover? Yes. The reasons are explained as below: Peoples had accumulated assets of $556m. These assets were funded by short term consumer deposits, consisting largely of 3-month fixed rate savings certificates. These savings certificates were highly affected by interest rate fluctuations. The long termRead MoreJet Blue Airways1881 Words  | 8 Pagesï » ¿ Jet Blue Airways DeVonne Boler Christina Brown Terrel Davis I. 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Jet Blue created original concepts for travel with improved service rather than cutbacks. Live DirecTV (owned by the airline), wide
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